Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Chess Inspiration

Have You Seen These?
" Naturally every chess player improvises over the board in accordance with his talent and imagination. But that which is already known, must be known!" - Mikhail Tal 

Chess is one wonderful game, and it's my sincerest wish (to all chess lovers) that each movie listed will ignite your interest and lead you on to years of enjoyment. I hope you'll find the films inspiring and entertaining too. Have fun!

1. "Searching for Bobby Fischer"

2. "Knights of the South Bronx"

3. "Chess Kids: Special Edition"

4. "Brooklyn Castle"

5. "Pawn Sacrifice"

Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Steps To Mastery

How to Master Anything?
"Innovation distinguishes between a leader and a follower." ~ Steve Jobs

Recently, i came across this interesting "list" from the internet. Well, the whole idea may not be new but something refreshing and a great deal of truth in it. At any rate to closely relate on these steps to mastery, i decided to innovate a little and made a separate "checklist" focusing on chess solely.  

Here's the chessplayer "creative list" i propose (based from the listing):
1. Discover the chess game and the thinking system to play it correctly.
2. Learn from your mistakes, every loss is an opportunity to improve.
3. You have to enjoy playing, always put a smile on your game face.
4. Be ready to replace your old and ineffective habits, for the better. Your 
    determination is the key!
5. Focus on quality not quantity. Always be active and don't lose objectivity
6. Keep a champion psychology.
7. The training process should closely simulate a real game situation. As 
     they say: "The more you sweat in training the less you bleed in war." 
8. Understand the base chess principles by heart. Know when to follow       
    (or break) the rules.
9. Differentiate between general and specific, know when to use strategic 
    and tactical tools.