Sunday, July 31, 2016

Winning The Middlegame

Middlegame In Chess
"The middlegame I repeat is chess itself; chess with all its possibilities, its attacks, defences, sacrifices, etc." ~ Znosko-Borovsky

The "Middlegame" is probably the most important topic of the chess game. At the same time, it is a complicated issue for many.

The middlegame is a very important stage of the game. There are plenty of variations that are hard to calculate and evaluate properly. But certainly, it is the phase of the game that offers the greatest wealth of winning opportunities.

 Winning the Middlegame
RCA Course Released!

What will you learn from the course?

A clear practical guide to the middlegame play.

 Register NOW
Register NOW!!

Friday, July 15, 2016

The Perfect Opening

Pick the perfect opening for YOU!

It is important to understand and learn what openings are best for you. Picking the right opening in relation to your style of play and other practical criteria (such as shown below) will bring you chess success for sure!

How can you pick the perfect opening?

Let's assume you already know what opening is a perfect fit for you. The next part of your study should focus on understanding the plans and ideas behind the moves of the opening system you want.

You should pay closer attention to the following "elements":
1. Which squares are the best for your pieces in this opening system?
2. What are the typical plans and maneuvers (for both colors) in this system?
3. What standard tactical ideas and typical endgame positions (if any) that often emerge in this opening?
4. Which players are the best specialists in this opening?

Some conclusions are worth remembering from RCA's lesson about openings:
1. The opening should be provided according to the current rating level. 
2. Be smart and change your opening systems as you grow up, when you 
    become a better chess player!
3. Continue to develop your opening knowledge by studying strong players’ 
4. Equalize your training. You want your opening, middle-game and endgame 
    skills to be at the same strength.
5. Practice! If you want to master an opening, it is important to be patient and 
    stick with it.

Knowledge vs Understanding
To deepen your opening understanding and be familiar with the typical middlegame plans and positions (arising from the opening), then you should study these top-notch RCA courses.
These opening tutorials will provide you the best opening lines and create a powerful opening repertoire which you can use against anyone, anytime.