Thursday, September 22, 2016

Universal Thinking System

Think Like A Strong Player
" Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people." 
~ Eleanor Roosevelt 

This premium webinar "My Thinking System", has been updated to include the following chess educational materials:
     1. Video lesson - an hour and 30 minutes lecture run time.
     2. An e-book - a text version of the complete video lesson.
     3. Practical part - games & positions that will help DIGEST the ideas well.

Chess Thinking System
Webinar Link >> Take This Course 

Take a closer look...
It contains high-quality information about the chess thinking process.

You will learn the need to have a well-developed system of thinking.

Understand how this 'universal thinking system' will help you detect the best move in any kind of position.

You will be able to find right moves continually throughout a game.

You will get a clear algorithm on how exactly to play a real game of chess.

Instructive and useful tasks about anti-blunder check, forcing moves and wrong opening.

My Rating:

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Chess Terms Explained

Chess Crossword Solution

RCA Chess Crossword

Crossword Questions & Answers
1. A strategy explored by Nimzovich, where you prevent your opponent from taking action in a certain area for fear of reprisal. prophylaxis
2. A lineup of pieces that move similarly on a single file or diagonal, usually pointing toward a critical point in the enemy's camp. battery
3. The line that is named by the coordinates of the start and end squares. diagonal
4. The beginning phase of a game, usually the first 10-15 moves. opening
5. The phase of the game between the opening and endgame. middlegame
6. The strongest piece in chess. queen
7. Where the current position of the game favors one side over another. advantage
8. The step of the piece on the chessboard. move
9. A sacrifice and forced sequence of moves to gain a certain advantage. combination
10. Any of the 32 movable objects used to play the game. piece
11. Placement of a rook or queen on a rank or file, or a bishop or queen on a diagonal to exert control over it. occupation
12. The period allotted for playing the game. time
13. German for "time trouble". zeitnot
14. A defensive blockade to keep out the enemy forces, especially the king. fortress
15. A game that ends in a tie where each player is awarded half a point. draw
16. An advanced square which cannot be attacked by a hostile piece of inferior rank. forepost
17. A row of eight squares from one end of the chessboard to the other. file
18. Known and played variations and positions in any phase of the game. theory
19. The lure of an opponent’s piece to a square that is particularly vulnerable. decoy
20. An aggressive move or series of moves in a certain area of the board. attack
21. Traps, threats, and plans based on the calculation of combinations or variations. tactics
22. The most important piece in chess. king
23. The most numerous piece in the game of chess. pawn
24. Any move or plan that is intended to meet or stop an enemy's threats or attack. defense
25. Voluntarily offering material in exchange for a perceived favorable advantage other than the material gained. sacrifice
26. A row of eight squares across the chessboard. rank
27. A novel move or idea in an established line of play. innovation
28. A pawn or square that is difficult to defend. weakness
29. That piece changes the color of the square it stands on with each move. knight

1. A short or long-term goal which a player bases his moves on. plan
2. A position in which the player whose turn it is to move has no legal move but is not in check. stalemate
3. When a pawn reaches the final rank, it can be turned into another piece (except a pawn or king), usually a queen. promotion
4. This piece was called the towermarquessrector, and comes. rook
5. The half of the board from which the queen starts. The a, b, c, and d files. queenside
6. Threatening the capture of the enemy king, such that it cannot escape. checkmate
7. The act of moving the king and rook simultaneously. castle
8. The arrangement of the pieces on the board at any given moment. position
9. Aggressive actions by the defender. counterplay
10. A system of symbols and coordinates for recording the moves of a game. notation
11. The four squares e4, d4, e5 and d5. center
12. The final phase of the game when there are few pieces left on the board. endgame
13. A position where a player would prefer to pass his move (but, of course cannot, as it is illegal) as any move damages his game. zugzwang
14. A form of double attack where one piece threatens two enemy pieces at the same time. fork
15. Immobilization of an enemy pawn by placing a piece (preferably a knight) on the square directly in front of it. blockade
16. The files that do not belong to the center, that is the a, b and c files on the queenside, and the f, g and h files on the kingside. flank
17. A hidden method of luring the opponent into making an error. trap
18. The area of the chess board controlled by each side. space
19. Where the first player voluntarily sacrifices a pawn or piece in the opening for positional or developmental advantage. gambit
20. That piece moves diagonally any number of squares, forwards or backwards. bishop
21. All pawns and pieces are units of _____. force
22. A measure of a player's skill, calculated as a number using a generally accepted formula by an official organization. rating
23. A move or series of moves designed to gain an advantage, but which has a chance of causing a disadvantage. risk