Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Treasured Chess Jewels

Two-way Puzzles
Tactical skill is one of the crucial conditions for achieving success in chess. It is absolutely important to constantly develop, perfect one's foresight in chess playing."  Maxim Blokh 

During my younger years, i'm used to or simply had this habit of solving puzzles or any chess problem, first by finding the move from winner’s side and then checking as well attacking reply that the loser’s side can play on his turn. 

Working on these exercises will allow aspiring chess players to practice their skill in finding attacking moves and also be trained to anticipate aggressive counters from an opponent.

The bilateral examples presented below are highly-critical positions specially composed (or taken/modified from actual game), in which both White & Black gain winning advantage by making a first specific move respectively.

Finding Combinations

Note: (Chess positions have no indication of the turn of the move, hence are to be solved firstly beginning with white's turn and then with black's turn.)

Enjoy solving and put your answers into writing. Don't forget to check the solutions on the next installment.

(Solutions - 21/Jan/2016)
Chess Jewels: Part One 
White to play – 1.Rh6+! Bh6 2.Qe5+ Bg7 3.Qh2+, etc.
Black to play  – 1…Qa1+! 2.Ka1 Rc1+ 3.Ka2 Ra8+, etc.

White to play – 1.Nd6! Qd6 2.g6 and 3.Qh8#
Black to play  – 1…Rb5! 2.ab5 Qa5+ 3.Kb2 Qb5+, etc.

White to play – 1.Rg7+! Kg7 2.Rg2+ Kf8 3.Qh6#
Black to play  – 1…Rb2+! 2.Rb2 Nc3+ 3.Ka1 Qa3+, etc.

White to play – 1.Qf8+! Kf8 2.Rd8+, etc.
Black to play  – 1…Qg3+! 2.hg3 Rh1#

White to play – 1.Qe5+! Be5 2.Be5#
Black to play  – 1…Qf1+! 2.Rf1 Rf1#

White to play – 1.Qf6+! Bf6 2.Nf7#
Black to play  – 1…Ra2+! 2.Ka2 Qa8+, etc.

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