Saturday, June 6, 2015

Top 5 Picks

What's A Webinar?
A "webinar" is a lecture presentation or workshop that is transmitted over the web using video conferencing software. A key feature of a "web-based seminar" is its interactive elements – the ability to give, receive and discuss information between the presenter and the audience.

Here's a look at five of RCA's most instructive webinar videos 
(1) The Norwegian star has been dominating the chess world for a couple of years and he’s still on top! How Carlsen can play so well, consistently? While this is a mystery to most chess players, we’ll analyse it in depth – discuss deeply and share with you the key factors for his success.

Press Your Opponents Like Carlsen

(2) You’ll learn HOW Nakamura finds those winning shots. You’ll TRAIN in the necessary skills during the webinar and will be able to use your NEW SKILLS in your next chess battles.

 Play Like Nakamura

(3) You need to have a well-developed system of thinking. It should be UNIVERSAL and help you detect the best move in any kind of position.

Thinking System
My Thinking System

(4) You’ll find answers to questions “Why is the engine suggesting Rfd1 instead of Rad1?” "This position is losing for black but how does the engine say it’s equal?” and you’ll learn "to how much" extent, you can trust engines’ evaluations.

 Chess Engines

(5) This "The art of the Endgame" is a real TRAINING, which develops your SKILLS. Hence, you’ll be able to improve your chess strength properly.

The Art of the Endgame
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** Learn more interesting New Videos here >> Your Premium Video Choice

New Chess DVD

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