Wednesday, October 14, 2015

10 Skills To Master

The Most Valuable Skills
“ I fear not the man who has practiced 10,000 kicks once, but I fear the man who has practiced one kick 10,000 times." - Bruce Lee 

Chess is one complex game and many specifics can't be grasped quickly. It requires a lot of work and persistence to reach the top and achieve mastery.

To describe aptly, chess is: a fight for the center (opening), a struggle to coordinate the pieces (middlegame), and a race to push pawns forward then promote (endgame). Similarly, you must have a plan and never disregard the importance of center control and king safety.

 Champion Psychology

For an aspiring chess player to make progress, he must not only educate himself on the fundamental principles of the game but also develop the correct thinking system"Knowing what is useful to keep and what to throw away, is truly the 'jewel' in the crown."

1. Attack
2. Counter-attack
3. Limitation
4. Prophylaxis
5. Positional sacrifice
6. Planning 
7. Transformation of positional factors 
8. Transition from the middlegame into the endgame
9. Maneuvering 
10. Realizing an advantage

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