Wednesday, October 21, 2015

How Good Is Your Chess?

Evaluate Your Chess

 Middlegame & Endgame TEST

Premium Chess Training
If you want to improve your chess, you need to have a clear study plan
If you aim for a dramatic improvement at chess you need to work on all the essential elements of the game in a systematic way:
- tactics
- attacking skills
- positional play
- classic game analysis
- endgame technique
- psychological preparation

Supercharge Your Chess Today! 
(21 Day Chess Training Course, The Book + Member's Area Only)

(21 Day Chess Course, The Book + Member's Area Only, Positional Package, Extra 14 days training, extra homework and GM games )

(21 Day Chess Course, The Book + Member's Area Only, Positional Package, Extra 14 days training, extra homework and GM games, Endgame Package + Endgame Trainer and Opening Package) 

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