Thursday, January 21, 2016

Chess Jewels: Part Two

It's Your Move
" The foundation of chess is the process of 'vision' – the ability to spot where everything under attack, yours and your opponent's, is located."  G. Levenfish 

Solve the following special positions beginning with white to play and black to playSpot the good moves, evaluate them quickly and accurately. Then choose the best one, if you are to play on the board. 

Find the winning move for White & Black

Chess Jewels: Part One
(Solutions - 30/Jan/2016)
Chess Jewels: Part Two
White to play – 1.Qg7+! Ng7 2.fg7+ Kg8 3.Nf6+, etc.
Black to play  – 1…Nd4+! 2.cd4 (2.Qd4 cd4) 2...Qg4, etc.

White to play – 1.Qe6+! Kh8 2.Qe8+ Re8 3.Re8#
Black to play  – 1…Qa2+! 2.Ka2 Ra6+# 

White to play – 1.Qa4+! Qa4 2.Rg8#
Black to play  – 1…Rg1+! 2.Kg1 Qe1#

White to play – 1.Qh5+! Kg8 (1...gh5 2.Rh6#) 2.Rag6+ fg6 3.Qg6+ Kf8 4.Qf6+, etc.
Black to play  – 1…Qc1+! 2.Bc1 Re1#

White to play – 1.Qb7+! Kb7 2.Nc5++ Kc7 3.Rd7, etc.
Black to play  – 1…Qh2+! 2.Kf1 Qh1+ 3.Bh1 Rh1#

White to play – 1.Ng6+! hg6 2.Rh1, etc.
Black to play  – 1…Nc3+! 2.bc3 Rb8, etc.

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