Monday, February 29, 2016

Top Chess Secrets, Revealed!

The Grandmaster's Secrets (2nd Edition)
This latest edition of the course "The Grandmaster's Secrets" will be a chessplayer's guide on how to think and calculate during the different stages of a chess game. 

On top of that, you'll be steered on what and how exactly you should study chess and apply the knowledge in practice. Gear up on how to prepare for tournaments and individual game.

In a nutshell, you'll learn powerful practical recommendations, the top secrets of professional chess players and more...

 The GM's Secrets - 2nd
Start Preview -> The Grandmaster's Techniques
Take This Course: The Grandmaster's Secrets(2nd)

What will you get from this chess course?
1. The correct thinking method, which will allow you to find the best moves in           any position during practical games. 
2. How to calculate variations quickly and precisely.
3. Stop making blunders.
4. Avoid the typical mistakes in chess development.
5. Everything you need to achieve fast progress and success in chess.
    **Over 20 lectures with practical tasks and 2 hours of content!

@ Udemy

What's New?
A Modernized Chess Course...
o The PowerPoint presentations used for the video lessons have been made 
   more informative and engaging.
o The videos are now in HD format.
o The videos have been recorded by a native English speaker.
o The comments for the games in the practical part of the course have been            polished and enlarged slightly.

Monday, February 15, 2016

Methods and Motifs

Strategic Priyomes
" Chess is the only game greater than its players." – Tim Rice 

Chess is one classic example of "too much information", but all chess knowledge is not equal. There are critical methods and motifs you need to master in order to play well. The ability to distinguish information you could know, from what you should know and from what you must know is the key!

Indeed, it is a complex game where the strategic battle is carried out through the use of certain tools: strategic and technicalThe latter is related to basic tactical tools (like pin, skewer, fork and more) which facilitate the implementation of a plan. While, the former can take many forms from the simple maneuver, more complex positional sacrifice, to a positional response based on a particular arrangement of forces.

The Russians have a term for the strategic tools which depend on pawn structure, coined as "priyome" (preeYOHM). 

White to play
In the above diagram, White’s “best move” is obvious. The position calls for 1.Rd1! (priyome - seizing a file with a rook) followed by 2.Rd7 giving himself a powerful rook on the seventh and a big advantage.

The Fianchetto Setup
Looking at the diagram below, White on his move may want to trade off a kingside defender, Black's dark-squared bishop. 

White to play
Hence, the strategic priyome consists of three or four steps; a bishop move such as Be3 (or Bg5) followed by Qd2 and Bh6xg7.

Let's switch perspective in the next position and imagine you play Black.

Black to play
How could he counter White's simple plan of Qd2 and Bh6xg7 trading an important king's defender?
Black can counter White's plan using two strategic methods:
o He may play 1...h6 and answer 2.Qd2 with 2...Kh7 securing his castle.
He can also anticipate the White's maneuver by 1...Bd7 and after 2.Qd2 will continue 2...Re8 and meet 3.Bh6 with 3...Bh8 avoiding the Bishop exchange. 

The Isolani Structure
This structure is common and characterized by White (or Black) having an isolated pawn on the d-file. The two sides have entirely different goals and plans to achieve.
Isolani structure in the center.
The side with the isolani has a space advantage and is often better if the pawn can advance and free the pieces behind. Advancing the d-pawn, allows all the pieces to join in and start a direct attack on the king.
Playing against the isolani, the defender side has a natural plan of exerting pressure on the weak isolated pawn to force opponent's pieces to its defense. Similarly, the defending side must be alert to opponent's tactical possibilities and guard against an advance of the isolated pawn. 

Test Your Skill
How should White continue?
1.d5! White plays this standard response while Black can't take with his f6-knight. 1...ed5 Favorably opening a file for White's e1-rook. 2.Bg5 g6? {After 2...Ne4 (best defense) 3.Nxe4 de4 4.Qxe4 g6 5.Rad1 Qc7 6.Qe3 White keeps the strong pressure.} 3.Rxe7 Nxe7 {3...Qxe7 allows the strong 4.Nxd5!} 4.Bxf6 Qd6 5.Be5 Qe6 6.Nb5 Ba6 7.Qd2! (D) with multiple threats of Qh6 and Nc7. 

Black's turn
7...Bxb5 8.Qh6 f6 9.Ng5 wins the Queen and the game.  1-0 

Sunday, February 7, 2016

Chess Jewels: Part Three

Simple and Practical
" Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day." – Jim Rohn 

Here's another set of chess challenges for warm-up before an actual game. Each position is to be solved beginning with white's move, then with black's move.

Play to Win for White & Black

Chess Jewels: Part One

Chess Jewels: Part Two

(Solutions - Mar/2016)
Chess Jewels: Part Three
White to play – 1.Qg8+! Kg8 2.Rc8+ Bf8 3.Bc4+, etc.
Black to play  – 1…Qg4+! 2.Bg4 hg4+ 3.Kh4 g5+ 4.Kh5 Rh2#

White to play – 1.Qh7+! Rh7 2.Rg8#
Black to play  – 1…Qh3+! 2.Rh3 Rg1+ 3.Kh2 R8g2# 

White to play – 1.Qf8+! Qf8 2.Rh7#
Black to play  – 1…Qa3+! 2.Ka3 Ra8#

White to play – 1.Rg8+! Kg8 2.Qf6, etc.
Black to play  – 1…Ba3+! 2.Ka3 Qc3, etc.

White to play – 1.Qf8+! Kf8 2.Re8#
Black to play  – 1…Qc4+! 2.Bc4 Rh2, etc.

White to play – 1.Rh7+! Nh7 2.Qg7#
Black to play  – 1…Ne4+! 2.fe4 Bh4, etc.