Sunday, February 7, 2016

Chess Jewels: Part Three

Simple and Practical
" Success is nothing more than a few simple disciplines, practiced every day." – Jim Rohn 

Here's another set of chess challenges for warm-up before an actual game. Each position is to be solved beginning with white's move, then with black's move.

Play to Win for White & Black

Chess Jewels: Part One

Chess Jewels: Part Two

(Solutions - Mar/2016)
Chess Jewels: Part Three
White to play – 1.Qg8+! Kg8 2.Rc8+ Bf8 3.Bc4+, etc.
Black to play  – 1…Qg4+! 2.Bg4 hg4+ 3.Kh4 g5+ 4.Kh5 Rh2#

White to play – 1.Qh7+! Rh7 2.Rg8#
Black to play  – 1…Qh3+! 2.Rh3 Rg1+ 3.Kh2 R8g2# 

White to play – 1.Qf8+! Qf8 2.Rh7#
Black to play  – 1…Qa3+! 2.Ka3 Ra8#

White to play – 1.Rg8+! Kg8 2.Qf6, etc.
Black to play  – 1…Ba3+! 2.Ka3 Qc3, etc.

White to play – 1.Qf8+! Kf8 2.Re8#
Black to play  – 1…Qc4+! 2.Bc4 Rh2, etc.

White to play – 1.Rh7+! Nh7 2.Qg7#
Black to play  – 1…Ne4+! 2.fe4 Bh4, etc.

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