Wednesday, August 17, 2016

Practical Middlegame Approach

On Methods and Motifs
"The middlegame is mainly a battle of the pieces and center pawns. A flank pawn is of slight consequence and is sometimes better off the board, since its absence creates a file for a Rook." ~ C.J.S. Purdy

Middlegame play generally consists of two important factors: strategy and tactics. Strategy tells you what to achieve, whereas tactics tells how to achieve it. In practice they are often interconnected, with tactics at service to gain a strategic advantage or strategy justified by a tactical operation.
According to Steinitz, "success on the chessboard is not a matter of luck, nor is it the province of genius capable of finding a winning combination under any circumstances - rather, it is the result of a plan based on positional factors." 
Therefore, we can conclude that planning is crucial to "winning in chess." It is also important to note that there are useful tools we can utilize when choosing a plan and/or considering a move during the game.

Two Essential Tools 
1. Methods - Study of standard positions and of the ways to play them. 
2. Motifs - Study of strategic games (from masters of the past) demonstrating typical technical, tactical ideas and draw parallels from their play.

Presenting GM Smirnov's new recipe: Winning The Middlegame

A clear and practical guide to the middlegame play.
It contains very powerful and instructive lessons on pawn structures, and a single system of how you should play the middlegame.
Many Of Your Questions Will Be Answered!
What should I attack?
What should be my target in the middlegame?
What can I attack in my opponent’s territory?
How to make my army stronger than my opponent’s?
How to play against doubled pawns?
How to play with or against Isolated pawns?
 Take This Course
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