Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Unlocking the Grandmaster's Mind

How GMs actually think?
How GMs actually think while playing the game of chess? What makes a Grandmaster a master at chess? Is it his training or just psychology? – Indeed, very interesting questions to ask one and even greater to know the answers directly from the Grandmasters' mouth.

What can YOU learn from this course?
Limitations of Grandmasters.
Extraordinary skills a Grandmaster possesses.
* Ability to often win games against weaker opponents.
How a Grandmaster survives bad positions.
* Secrets of handling a wide variety of games, ranging from rapid to standard.
Practically orientated training, aimed on specific skills and its application.

 Unlocking GM's Mind
                       Link >> Unlocking the Grandmaster's Mind

The course contains the following video lessons:
1. Grandmaster’s ability.
2. Are assumptions good?
3. Winning made easy.
4. Rapid – the right way.
5. Bad is not necessarily worse.
** The course contains a practical part in pgn format for chess skills training and lesson reinforcement.

You can watch the powerful introduction video (short version) of the course.

 Unlocking GM's Mind

P.S. I did enjoy watching this abridged introductory lesson! One thing is for sure, i'll consider myself a raving fan for this new course by the 29th of January.

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